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Cover-Toss Me to the Waiting Sky
Toss Me to the Waiting Sky

by Mary Margaret Carlisle

Mary Margaret doesn't need the Alps or the misty Pacific at Big Sur. A garden in a yard in suburban Houston is nature enough under that Waiting Sky. Worked soil, passing birds, tended vines, the coastal grass and trees that grow no matter who says what—all these beneath the baroque masses of cloud and teeming rains the Gulf of Mexico sends us—spark and feed her meditations. To read, as here, a lot of Mary Margaret Carlisle is to encounter the well-meditated life. She's deep. She's alert. She's graceful, grateful but canny, lyrical, political, humorous—a nature poet aware, since childhood, of life's less than radiant moments, a poet of the joys of mature and sustaining love

Dr. John Gorman, University of Houston, Clear Lake

The poems of this fine collection are bold, poignant, and accomplished. Never cowering from either the darkness of th elight which looks within us all, Mary Margatet Carlisle leaves her reader imbued with hope and cautious optimism, "flowing . . . along"/each moment sung into being. . . ."

Larry D. Thomas, Texas State Poet Laureate




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