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endless echoes
Endless Echoes

by Cynthia Good

Cynthia Good is a seeker whose spirit soars in her poems and incantatory prayers. Exploring the divides between prose and poetry, the ordinary and the sacred, and life and art, with ironic wit she takes us on a personal journey through modern culture, finding it sorely lacking for the most part. Within her poetic landscapes, whether an ashram in San Francisco, traveling, or becoming a photographer in San Antonio, single and then partnered, she is not discouraged by experience, but remains curious and enthusiastic. Perhaps that's why I feel light-hearted (as opposed to heavy-) when I read her work.

Laura Beausoleil, writer and publisher of Philos Press

ENDLESS ECHOES is essential reading! Cynthia Good's GREATEST HITS - "What's Left Behind", "Medicine Prayers", "Working My Way Through Culture" are supplemented by a diverse poetic excursion through Romance, Remembrance, Sacred Words and Soup Stories - a rich collation of delightful affirmations that will add a positive spin to your life! This collection is comprehensive in style and content giving you more of our uni-verse as seen through the eyes of a professional photographer, healer, gardener and fine poet!

Thom Woodruff

Cynthia Good's treatise is a work of art and love. She skillfully takes us back to a retro point in our lives. This is recommended reading for those who smell the roses.

This is a reality check for the enlightened beings among us, as well as the unconscious.

Bill Roberts




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